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Tom Fletcher’s article “Polluted logic plagues pesticide bylaws in B.C.” should read, “Polluted reporter tries to push fake news about pesticide bylaws in B.C.”.

Round Up “glyphosate” was created by Monsanto, a corporation founded in 1901. John Francis Queeny, a 30 year vietran of the Pharmaceutical industry, is responsible for creating the toxins, Saccharin, Aspirin, PCBs, involved in Uranium research for the “Manhattan Project” that dropped the 1st Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Monsanto and Dow, produced “Agent Orange” for the Vietnam invaision and poisoned 3million, men,women, children and soldiers. Monsanto, I.G. Farben and the 3rd Reich produced Zyklon- B gas for WW 2 and Aspartame a neuro toxin.

Jan 7/18, article by Isabell Z.

“A new study has revealed that Roundup exposure leads to major changes in the gut microbiome of rats, and it’s a finding that could have significant ramifications on human health. Allowing bacteria like Candida Albicans and H Pylori to thrive in your GI tract.

This study was carried out by a team of researchers at the University of Caen in France led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini. Seralini is a French molecular biologist known for his groundbreaking study that linked genetically modified corn and glyphosate in Roundup to cancer. His findings were so damning that Roundup manufacturer Monsanto took action to have the study retracted, only to see it later republished elsewhere.”

Tom Fletcher must think we are a bunch of dumb hicks that don’t know how to do our own research. There is so much daming information on RoundUp and Monsanto you could choke on it and no Glyphosate does not break down in the evironment, its found in mothers milk and the arctic.

If you don’t know what a disinfo agent looks like you do now. Only a paid shill would support the petro chemmical indusrty and its poison.

Racheal Carson’s book “Silent Spring” was not “debunked” if anything it was ahead of it’s time, warning people about hormone disruting chemmicals and the consequences of dumping these cancer causeing pollutants into our environment. DDT was banned in 2001 world wide for being a persistent organic pollutant, meaning it builds up in the evironment and your body causeing, breast/other cancers,miscarriage, low birth weight, develpomental delay, nervous system and liver damage. Because of Racheal Carson’s testimony before congress, the environmental agency was formed.

In my opinion, Tom Fletcher is the last person I would be taking advice from on pesticides.

Not following the herd, not politically correct.

Sincerely, Colleen Simmons.