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Trick to get rid of anthill

Editor: This may be news to someone, or maybe news to no one, but I thought I’d share, just in case.


This may be news to someone, or maybe news to no one, but I thought I’d share, just in case. In the vacant property next door to us, there was one of those very large anthills constructed of pine needles or whatever.

One day, after looking at it for a year, my wife suddenly decided to pour ashes from our wood stove over the ant hill. The next time I happened to look at it, the ants were gone. Later I noticed another hill sprouting up, and the ashes gave the same results. Maybe it only worked in our case, but hopefully it may be helpful to others.

My wife and I moved here from Vancouver, summer 2013, although we had and have a lot of figuring out to do, Burns Lake seems like a paradise so far. Funny, when I moved from Montreal to Vancouver in 1969, I said, what a paradise compared to Montreal. And now I say the same, compared to Vancouver which is like to an anthill now. And no, I wouldn’t wish to dump ashes on it. Cheers.

Victor Yancovitch