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Burns Lake urged to turn out the lights to save the planet

At 8:30 p.m. on Saturday March 26, street and residential lights will switch off around the globe for one hour in recognition of Earth Hour.
Road rules

Road rules

Money to bank on

Money to bank on

Relaying funds

Relaying funds

Signing for service

Signing for service

Exciting future for recreation in the Lakes District

Recreation opportunities are abundant in the Lakes District and we are pleased to welcome our new Recreation Coordinator, Logan Wilson, to the Village of Burns Lake team. A lifelong resident of Burns Lake, Logan joins our team with a Degree in Tourism Management and extensive knowledge of programming and recreation needs in the Lakes District.
Burns Lake and District science fair

Burns Lake and District science fair

Non-Experimental Category, Grade 5: 1st Jasmin Joseph & Sidney Vessey, William Konkin Elementary (WKE). Grade 6: 1st Benny Bill, Mapes Elementary School (MES). The following experimental category award winners have been invited to represent School District #91 at the Central Interior Science Exhibition in Prince George on March 12.
Chesterfield dumped on Shuldham Lake

Chesterfield dumped on Shuldham Lake

Burns Lake grandmother speaks about the dangers of drinking and play fighting

Burns Lake grandmother speaks about the dangers of drinking and play fighting

Betty Rawcliffe, the grandmther of 15 year old Bradley Levesque, the Terrace teen who died after taking a fatal blow to the chest during a Thornhill birthday party in January 2011, spoke to all of the students at Lakes District Secondary School (LDSS) assembly last week.
Burns Lake play school

Burns Lake play school