I’ve been deeply troubled by the people in our town of Burns Lake who are not wearing masks and are even going to the extreme of protesting health guidelines in the town centre.
I have noticed there are many businesses in town not following the laws regarding masks. The Municipal Village Council has been slow to step up and enforce the mandates that have become second nature in most places in the Province for businesses and restaurants.
The consequence of this was highlighted in your last issue of the paper from Nov. 3, in which front page news shows the struggles of our hospital to care for the needs of our citizens because they are overwhelmed trying to care for our COVID patients, the vast majority of whom are not vaccinated.
This brings into focus how serious the situation is. I thank the Lakes District News for its front page acknowledgment of the seriousness of our situation. If we could reach herd immunity through mass vaccinations and careful infection control practices (like wearing masks indoors to protect the most vulnerable) we could return to the semblance of normal we all crave. This has been proven in many places across our world.
Can we not come together as a community to care for one another, put our opinions aside and follow the rules until this is no longer an issue?
Sincerely Jean Gilgan