Charlie Resnby has won the council seat in Burns Lake’s by-election, which was held on Jan. 20, 2018.
A total of 98 residents cast their vote. According to the preliminary byelection results, Rensby received 55 votes while Bruce Martens received 43.
The two candidates participated in an all candidates debate hosted by the Burns Lake and District Chamber of Commerce earlier this month. According to a Lakes District News web poll, the majority of respondents (83 per cent) said Resnby performed better at the debate.
During the event, Rensby said he’s the type of leader who works well with others.
“I’m not going to be creating a whole bunch of noise or going on some sort of crazy agenda because that’s never going to work,” he said. “So I have to work with people that are already on council.”
Rensby said he would like to see something done with regard to Burns Lake’s post-secondary education system.
“Right now we have two different colleges operating within town limits,” he said, referring to the College of New Caledonia and the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, which has been offering programs in Burns Lake through a partnership with Lake Babine Nation.
“I think that’s not right; we should only have one,” he said.
In addition, Rensby said Burns Lake should take advantage of provincial grants for low-income housing. Burns Lake council is planning to invite several agencies to a meeting to discuss local housing issues in late March.
Rensby will replace former councillor John Illes, who resigned effective Sept. 15, 2017. According to the village, Illes accepted an employment position with the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako which required his resignation.
The total cost for the 2018 byelection was approximately $5000. Expenses included wages, cost of election supplies and advertising.
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