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Lake Babine Nation candidates accept nomination

The lengthy list of candidates for the upcoming election for chief of Lake Babine Nation has now been reduced to five

Rebecca Billard

The lengthy list of candidates for the upcoming election for chief of Lake Babine Nation has now been reduced to five, following nomination acceptances last week.

As reported in the Lakes District News edition of June 13, 2012, a total of 26 candidates were nominated for chief.

Lake Babine Nation's current Chief Wilf Adam has accepted a nomination for re-election and Victor John Alec, Sr., Emma Palmantier, Betty Patrick and Mary Ann Poirier have also accepted nominations for the position.

Just two of the nine candidates nominated for Old Fort councillor have accepted. Dinah Alec and Evelyn George are vying for the single council seat.

Six candidates have accepted the nominations for the two seats on Tachet council. They are Delores Alec, Mildred George, Ivan Leon, Leonard Lawley, Johnson Tom and James West.

There was 35 candidates nominated for the four seats on Woyenne Council and 20 candidates have now accepted their nomination.

Half of the 31 candidates that were originally nominated for election to Fort Babine council. Sixteen candidates are hoping to be elected to one of the two seats. Lake Babine Nation holds its elections for council every three years. The general election will be held on June. 28, 2012..