A portion of the expanded evacuation order issued on Aug. 15 for the Verdun Mountain Fire has been rescinded.
An evacuation alert remains in place for the following area:
- From 36593 Eakin Settlement Road, south to and including 37647 Eakin Settlement Rd, and east to 8286, 6901 and 6925 Takysie Pit Road.
- South from Francois Lake to north of Takysie Lake and Uncha Lake and east from Tatalrose and Bickle Lakes to Uncha Mountains Red Hills Provincial Park.
The Verdun Mountain Fire, located approximately nine km southwest of Grassy Plains, has burned 45,327 hectares and is 25 per cent contained.
The evacuation order for this fire remains in place at this time.
READ MORE: Evacuation alert for Island Lake Fire rescinded entirely
READ MORE: Residents south of Burns Lake who chose not to evacuate share their stories
Re-entry considerations
The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako advises residents to take basic precautions when returning home. These include:
- Thoroughly check for hazards on your property paying special attention to any danger trees that may be present.
- Hydro - If you have questions, no service or are experiencing fluctuations in electrical service quality contact BC Hydro at 1-888-769 3766 (1-888-POWERON) or *49376 on your cell phone.
- Before using your water for consumption, flush the system to remove all stagnant water from your household water lines by running all cold and hot water taps for at least 5 minutes before using them.
-When you are trying to decide what food to keep or throw away, be safe and always remember: “When in doubt, throw it out.”
Dispose of:
- Any unrefrigerated raw vegetables or fruits,or any foods that were stored in porous containers (e.g. cardboard, foam containers, etc.).
- Food that was in bowls on counters/tables.
- Food that shows signs of damage from heat or fire, including ash or smoke. o Any food displaying an off odour or signs of spoilage.
For questions about re-entry of livestock, contact the RDBN at 250-692-3195 or 1-800-320-3339.
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