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New fire discover near Wynkes Creek

In close proximity to the fire to Oknainski Lake
The green dot indicates Oknianski Lake fire and the red dot is the newest fire discovered yesterday.

There was a new fire Wynkes Creek wildfire (R10507) discovered around 1 p.m. on May 27 in close proximity to the fire from Thursday - Oknainski Lake. This fire is likely putting off a decent amount of smoke making it visible to Burns Lake, Highway 16, and surrounding communities. It is currently estimated to 100 hectares and considered out of control at the moment.

The Oknianski Lake (R10501) is approximately 13.5 hectares and is listed as under control.

Crews and machines worked through the night pushing in guard, air support is on its way.

No evacuation alerts or orders have been recommended at this time.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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