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Ninth Avenue sidewalk contract cemented

Burns Lake and Lake Babine Nation get grant together
Sidewalk and storm drain work was ratified by mayor and council for construction of storm drains and sidewalk on Ninth Avenue. (Pexels Stock Photos image)

Fixing up some Ninth Avenue infrastructure was given official ratification.

In their June 27 meeting, mayor and council voted in favour of closing the financial agreement on the major project to install new sidewalk and storm drains there. This goal has been on the Village wish-list for some time, and remains on the wish list for additional phases as grant money or other applicable funding becomes available. One phase was completed in 2020, another in 2022 and this phase covers Carroll Street to Centre Street.

Crews will likely be visible, working on the construction, to passersby. The contract was awarded to Granite Excavating Ltd. for $747,053.64 plus GST.

The costs for this project are shared between the Village of Burns Lake and Lake Babine Nation as partner applicants to the provincial government’s Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program. They successfully partnered as well on the two previous phases of the work. The two local governments will pay $106,800 each, which triggers a grant from the province in the amount of $500,000.

“It is the firm belief of staff that without the partnership with Lake Babine Nation, the confirmation of funding for a third section of sidewalk would not have been received,” said Dale Ross, director of public works for the Village of Burns Lake.

The purpose of this grant program is to boost walking, cycling and other non-emission transportation by 30 per cent by the year 2030. These improvements help the goals of both the Village and Lake Babine Nation, due to their connective placement.

This particular construction phase will include:

• 395 metre of cast-in-place concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk

• 370 metre of 250 mm diameter PVC stormwater pipe

• 105 metre of 200 mm diameter PVC stormwater pipe

• 7 pre-cast concrete manholes

• 9 pre-cast concrete catch basins

• 2,200 square meter of gravel road