The excavation project by Husky Oil down to the water line in the public parking lot behind the Canada Post building is near completion, Rick Martin, Director of Public Work for the village announced at the meeting of village council last Tuesday.
As of the council meeting last Tuesday, the water line had been put into place, and the two valves had been installed, although Martin was not sure if the water line had been energized to where the valves had been installed, although that portion of the work wouldn't affect surrounding businesses.
"The water was shut off two times during the project to facilitate the installation of two valves and the line in between. Once the connections were made water was turned back on to businesses and residents but remained off between the valves in the new section until June 25," Martin said.
There is a little work left to be done.
At this point the remediation work is nearly completed.
Nearly all of the toxic soils from around the water line, and surrounding area have been removed.
Once it's done the parking lot and area will be restored to its original condition.
"When that's done they'll put everything back to the original condition, that means paving the parking lot and sidewalks as they were before," Martin said.
The re-establishing of the curb and sidewalks, along with the street are expected to be completed within 10-12 days, depending on the paving company.
The project was estimated to take one to two weeks to complete. Excavation began June 12.