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Climate action leaders in the North

Climate action leaders in the North

In September last year Village of Burns Lake mayor Bernice Magee was invited to be part of the newly formed B.C. Mayors Climate Leadership Council.

Teachers demand extra leave

Public school employers say contract demands tabled by the B.C. Teachers Federation (BCTF) would cost the system nearly $2.2 billion more each year.

Oil sand, AKA tar sands facts and figures

Oil sands are also commonly referred to as tar sands.

Cold summer sets a 10 year record

If It were a battle between rain and shine this summer, those who bet on cooler, wetter weather would be walking home with fuller pockets now— albeit soggy ones.

Mail in ballot bylaw approved

In an effort to accommodate more voters for the up and coming municipal election in November this year, council has approved a bylaw to accept mailed in votes.
New annual allowable cut set

New annual allowable cut set

Chief forester, Jim Snetsinger has made his determination following a review of the Lakes Timber Supply Area (TSA).

Robbery on Miller Rd.

On July 14, 2011, Burns Lake RCMP responded to a break and enter at a residence on Miller Rd. North.
Burns Lake discussed at Enbridge CAB meeting

Burns Lake discussed at Enbridge CAB meeting

According to Village of Burns Lake Coun. Eileen Benedict, a recent Enbridge community advisory board (CAB) meeting was an educational experience, for more reasons that one.
Northern Health still working towards recruitment

Northern Health still working towards recruitment

It has been decided by Northern Health and local doctors that a U.S. doctor who applied to work at the Lakes District Hospital is no longer suitable.
Changes made to cemetery bylaw

Changes made to cemetery bylaw

Changes to the Burns Lake Cemetery guidelines are being investigated.