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Great news for the food bank

It is certainly welcome news to hear that the local food bank has been well supported this year.

It is certainly welcome news to hear that the local food bank has been well supported this year, both with increased volunteers as well as an outpouring of donations from big and small businesses and many local community members.

When I visited the food bank’s distribution centre recently the shelves were fully stocked with a wide variety of items.

There was even an overflowing shelf of ‘free items’ that were available for people to choose from, including a selection of toys and household items.

The support given this year is especially nice to see.

Last year the food bank was desperate for both volunteers and donations.

Income from business donations was down by 38 per cent and income from individuals was down 30 per cent, while the need for food support did not decrease.

This was coupled with the village’s grant in aid program not being offered last year,  all of which placed a strain on the food bank’s ability to meet its commitment to support those in the community who are in desperate need.

This year however, food bank volunteer Joanna Carnie had much better news to report to Lakes District News, including news of a $6,000 cash donation from Endako Mines Ltd., near Fraser Lake.

When I attended an Endako Mine open house in Fraser Lake earlier this year, I was told by mine manager Bill Mracek that Endako Mines Ltd.  always considers the community of Burns Lake when making charitable donations,

So it is certainly great to hear that this has not been forgotten.

While the mine may be located closer to the community of Fraser Lake than Burns Lake, there is a number of Burns Lake residents working at the mine.

It was also great to see the Charity Garden supporting the food bank for the last few years with root vegetables. Unfortunately the Charity Garden has now come to an end.

The Charity Garden was run by the generosity of hard working locals who offered up their land for growing vegetables like potatoes.

A number of local residents also pitched in to help out with harvesting and weeding. The efforts of all these locals should not be forgotten.

I have heard some people say that the food bank is not such a great idea, as those that are less than fortunate abuse the system.

While there is probably some people that do this, I would have to say that the majority of those collecting food from the food bank are truly there because they need help.

If the food bank was not open and available what would happen to those that are in desperate need of food?

I think the many people that support the food bank take comfort in the thought that they are helping those that are less fortunate, not just at Christmas and special holidays, but all year round.

I would also like to give a big pat on the back to all the volunteers who pitch in to shop, distribute good or collect items from local supermarkets for the food bank. It never ceases to amaze me how many locals in this community volunteer their time to help others.