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Pay attention to politics

The Liberals, the Bloc and the NDP have all rejected the budget and it appears it will be defeated. As the budget vote is a vote of confidence, the Conservative government will be out of power. We will be making our way to the polls to vote once again. In theory the budget debate can bring forward amendments and the amended budget will be passed by the house. It is not likely to happen.

The Liberals, the Bloc and the NDP have all rejected the budget and it appears it will be defeated. As the budget vote is a vote of confidence, the Conservative government will be out of power. We will be making our way to the polls to vote once again. In theory the budget debate can bring forward amendments and the amended budget will be passed by the house. It is not likely to happen.

This will be the election that no one wants. Poll after poll indicates most of the electorate doesn’t want another federal election. Every party leader has stated that they do not want an election. So why are we likely going to the polls in the near future?

There are as many theories as there are political pundits.

According to some, the Liberals want an election so they can get rid of Iggy and let Bob Rae become the Liberal party leader. Bobby is a well-trained politician. Quick on his feet and an ability to escape blame when things don’t work out as promised. He was the leader of the Ontario NDP government that piled up significant debt, which took that province a decade to get over. But, he has presence and comes across much better than poor Iggy can. Ignatieff’s job as leader of the Liberal Party is very much on the line.

The prediction was that the NDP did not want an election as Jack Layton is still recovering from some fairly significant surgeries. Election campaigns are brutal and party leaders have to give an exceptional effort. If the NDP does not make some gains in the number of seats they hold, Jack Layton’s leadership will be questioned.

The Bloc will do what is best for Quebec. They have no interest in the country as a whole, unless there is something in it for Quebec. They may be at risk of returning to the house with fewer members in their caucus. There are signs that the emotional voters are diminishing in Quebec. More voters in that province are moving toward a more national perspective.

Harper and his Conservative members have steadfastly stated that they do not want an election. How sincere that position is, must be judged by each individual voter.

Any hope that the budget can be amended during debate is a very faint hope. Even if the budget should pass, there will be further motions of non-confidence.

The election nobody wants will at least be a spring election which should encourage a larger voter turnout. That will be offset by the disgust of the general electorate. Many of us are becoming cynical when we think about the federal government and how the media displays their performance.

Whatever the outcome of the election, the Members of Parliament had better find a way for government to work.

The upcoming election will attract the interest of political junkies and give the media lots of material to work with. It is doubtful most Canadians will be very enthusiastic. While politics will not receive much of our attention, we do have a duty to learn about the main issues and exercise our privilege at the ballot box. There are people in other parts of our world who are dying to get a similar privilege.

Victor Bowman is a reporter for the Prince George Free Press


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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