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Two thumbs up for Lakes Outdoor Rec

Editor: This letter will probably not be considered news, but I hope you will be able to find room in your paper to print it.


This letter will probably not be considered news, but I hope you will be able to find room in your paper to print it.

I was visiting your area recently, on a trip that had taken me up into Yukon and Alaska by truck and camper. I stayed in a couple of places that were managed by the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Society and I wanted to thank the group for all their work.

The sites had been obviously cared for, and one in particular had extensive steep trails which had many, many downed trees that had been bucked up and moved off the trail. I appreciate that someone took on the responsibility for doing that challenging work, on his/her own time, just so others could have a nice, safe experience.

Volunteers are a precious commodity, and often don't get acknowledged enough. So, here is a big, public, job well d one to all the members and volunteers who do the work at the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Society, and who are such an asset to your communities. You are all so generous, we enjoyed our time in your outdoors because of you, and will pass on our stories to other travelers who may head your way.

Happy trails,

Sylvia Allan

Comox Valley, BC