Coaches can sometimes be the unsung heroes of athletic success.
The images we see in the media are of gold-medal-winning athletes standing on podiums with their coach nowhere to be seen. But almost without fail, athletes will credit their coach for their success ahead of anyone else.
Coaches lead and inspire athletes from community programs to the Olympic and Paralympic podiums.
At the B.C. Games, coach education and training is a priority with all coaches at the Games requiring certification from the National Coaching Certification Program.
Coaches B.C. is the provincial organization responsible for coaching education programs and the ongoing support and development of coaches.
“A coach’s preparation for the B.C. Games, or any other competitive environment, is just as important as an athlete’s preparation,” says Coaches B.C. executive director Gord May.
“Every successful athlete has been trained by someone who has taken the time to learn about the technical aspects of their sport and how to prepare their athletes both mentally and physically. Excellence will come about when you have the right tools and use them the right way.”
The Provincial Sport Organizations involved in the B.C. Winter and Summer Games have demonstrated that they are committed to coach development throughout the province.
Many sports utilize the B.C. Games as a unique opportunity for coach mentorship and training.
Karate B.C. developed a junior coach mentorship program as part of the B.C. Winter Games where youth coaches have the opportunity to work with a certified adult coach. Six coaches ranging in age from 15 to 18 years old will be part of the program at the 2012 B.C. Winter Games.
“The B.C. Games is an ideal way of furthering (development of) our young athletes into future coaches,” says Fernando Correia, the Duncan-based provincial advisor for Karate B.C.
Another successful mentorship program developed by the B.C. Games Society, Coaches B.C. and Promotion Plus, supports the education of female coaches.
For Laura Watson, technical director with Coaches B.C. and ringette coach, this has been a terrific opportunity.
“As I started out in coaching I wish that I had had an opportunity to study from a seasoned coach. It would have provided me with the opportunity to see how an effective coach really operates," she says.
The dedication and commitment of coaches around the province strengthens the overall sport system and contributes to communities and social development. For more information about the BC Games visit