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Rainbow sidewalk location chosen

Still needs final approval from council before installation

Members of the Burns Lake Foundry youth advisory committee (YAC) were taken on a walking tour of town by Village of Burns Lake Deputy Corporate Officer Val Anderson to scope out potential sites for a rainbow sidewalk.

Also accompanying the group was Randi Mondor, project coordinator for Burns Lake Foundry, who is spearheading the project.

This comes months after village council approved the project after it was proposed by the YAC, though it was initially proposed to be a rainbow crosswalk, which council advised to change to a sidewalk because it would be easier to maintain.

READ MORE: Rainbow crosswalk in Burns Lake approved by council

After the sidewalk was approved, council provided the YAC with several viable options to choose from for where the rainbow sidewalk will go, which were all shown by Anderson during the walking tour.

The top choice that the YAC members agreed upon was along the west side of Highway 16, across the street from Corridor 16 Graphics and Signs. Their second choice was at the corner of Highway 16 and 5th Avenue in front of the College of New Caledonia campus.

READ MORE: YAC makes pitch about rainbow crosswalk

The YAC says that they’ve been pushing for the a rainbow sidewalk because it would be not only a starting point for engaging the community in pride events and activities, but it would be a visible representation of support to the LGBTQ+ community which will allow new faces to feel welcome.

As for the next steps in the process, Anderson will take the information and present it to council where it will have to get final approval before installation can begin. The installation of the sidewalk is being funded by the Burns Lake Foundry through grant funding, and won’t cost the village any money to install, according to Mondor.

Though the village will be in charge of the maintenance costs.

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Eddie Huband
Multimedia Reporter
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