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Photos for the week of November 12, 2014.

Photos for the week of November 12, 2014.

Photos from around Burns Lake for the week of November 12, 2014.

Revitalization efforts to continue

Council votes to re-apply for the Business Facade Improvement program for 2015.
New bridge comes in under budget

New bridge comes in under budget

Government Street Bridge in Burns Lake is opened to the public again.
Burns Lake Band elects new chief

Burns Lake Band elects new chief

Dan George, the newly elected chief of Burns Lake Band, plans to support LNG pipeline projects.
Burns Lake and area candidates have their say on what is important to them and our future

Burns Lake and area candidates have their say on what is important to them and our future

Village of Burns Lake mayoral and council candidates and Regional District of Bulkley Nechako and School District 91 Candidates.

Village signs agreement with chamber

Village of Burns Lake’s council meeting councillors passed a motion to renew the Visitor Information Centre Operating Agreement for 2015.
Armed and dangerous

Armed and dangerous

RCMP are actively seeking Robert Lee Milligan, 31, a Prince George resident believed to be in possession of a firearm.
Minister promises more child protection workers

Minister promises more child protection workers

200 staff over two years, centralized office functions aim to relieve social workers juggling too many cases
Armed guards, scanners for B.C. legislature

Armed guards, scanners for B.C. legislature

Body armour, sidearms and airport-style metal detectors will soon greet Victoria visitors after murder of two Canadian soldiers in October
Granisle school gets $7.2 million upgrade

Granisle school gets $7.2 million upgrade

Babine Elementary-Secondary School is receiving new modular classrooms to replace part of the original building.